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在臺延長停留簽證(Extending a Visitor Visa)

(一).狀況確認 :






移民署宜蘭縣服務站: 地址: 265宜蘭縣羅東鎮純精路三段160巷16號4樓 電話:03 957 5448 櫃檯受理服務時間:星期一至星期五 08:00-17:00中午不休息

  1. 免簽證入境的人(無簽證)。
  2. 外籍人士持停留簽證入境後,下列情況不得申請停留簽證期限延長:
  3. 以落地簽證入境的人。
  4. 護照效期不滿六個月的人。
  5. 本次入境已經申請延長兩次的人。
  6. 停留簽證已經逾期的人。


In order to extend a Visitor Visa, students need to submit those following to the local Immigration Agency:

- 華語中心的「在學證明」及「出席證明」各2份 (2 copies of Enrollment Certificate & Attendance Record)

- 學生證 (Student Identification Card)

- 護照 (Passport)

- 預繳學費證明 ( Proof of payment for future session enrollment at our Center)

- 「外國人居(停)留案件申請表」 “Multiple-Purpose Application Form for Foreigners” form

    申請書下載處 Application Form Download Link

- 「在臺居住證明」 A copy of Renting Contract, or staying Certificate


Students may apply for Residence Visa if they:

- 連續在本中心學習滿4個月以上 (have continuously studied at the CLIC for four months)

- 上課表現和出席狀況良好 (have an excellent study and attendance record)

- 預計繼續上課3個月以上並預付新學期學費 (intend to continue studying at the CLIC for at least three months)

- 離臺時間未超過兩星期 (left Taiwan less than two weeks during the period of studying at CLIC)

申請居留簽證時,請準備下列文件,逕至外交部領事事務局辦理。取得居留簽證後,應於15天內,至居住地所在的移民署辦理「外僑居留證」。 (To apply for a Resident Visa, you must first go the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kaohsiung or Taipei. After receiving paperwork for the visa application, you must complete and submit them to the Immigration Agency within 15 days to avoid being fined. The actual Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) will be issued by the Immigration Agency. Please prepare the following: )

- 申請表 (請上網填寫:https://visawebapp.boca.gov.tw/)

( Online Application Form Link:https://visawebapp.boca.gov.tw/ )

- 在學證明 (Certificate of Enrollment)

- 出席證明 (Attendance Record)

- 成績證明 (Grade Transcript)

- 上課證明 (Student Identification Card (issued by CLIC))

- 研習計畫 (Study Plan)

- 財力證明 (含交易紀錄,餘額約新臺幣6萬元以上) (Financial Statement demonstrating a total balance of least NT$60,000 (including transaction records))

- 健康證明 (Health Certificate)

- 照片2張 (2 ID-sized photos)

- 護照 (Passport)

- 手續費 (Any and all application fees)

- 預繳下一期學費證明 (Proof of payment for enrollment in following semester(s))

- 在臺居住證明 (A copy of renting contract or staying certificate)

※居留證或護照應隨身攜帶。 (Please contact with the MOFA Southern Taiwan Office if any problems occurred)